classic b rules

Upon arrival to UPMC All American Park, you will notice a lot of changes. We wanted to update you on what to expect this year. We ask you to please share this with players, parents, and any spectator visiting UPMC All American Park.
Facility Upgrades
You will notice A LOT of construction occurring throughout our complex. We are reinvesting in our park so as to make the experience of your players and spectators the best in the region. We are excited to announce that this reinvestment includes upgrading our fields with astroturf. Please be mindful of this construction and take extra precaution around any sites or equipment. 
New Bathrooms
There will be the option to use the bathrooms in our brand-new 22,800 sq.ft. training facility on campus. The facility has men’s and women’s restrooms. If you prefer the convenience of the portable restroom unit in the center of our park, that will still be available as well. 
Parking is Free at UPMC All American Park. As we complete our construction, please know that it is our priority to move parking closer to our fields for your convenience. However, construction on these new parking lots is not yet complete. For the time being, you must park underneath the Fifth Street (Trafford) Bridge in our open lot. You may not park on or near the rail-road tracks along Westmoreland RD; the City of Trafford WILL TOW/TICKET YOUHandicapped Accessible Parking has been moved to the western side of the new building, closest to the outdoor cages. Anyone parking in Handicapped spots without proper tags WILL BE TOWED at the owners expense. 
Admission and Ticket Gate
There will now only be one entrance to the UPMC All American Park. Please enter the Gate at the northern side of the new white-sided square building closest to the Trafford bridge. Admission to the park will be $5 for adults; kids receive free admittance all season long. Each team will receive complimentary admission for three coaches per day. Please no not try to abuse this, as our gate attendants will keep track. No pets will be permitted in the park. 
Batting Cages (Indoor and Outdoor)
Teams competing in the event will have access to our 10 outdoor cages located in-between Field 9 and 3. Please only utilize one cage per team. The six indoor, professional-style batting cages are available for rental at the front desk of our new indoor facility. Metal cleats are not permitted in either indoor or outdoor batting cages. 
Weather and Schedule Updates
Any changes made to the schedule due to inclement weather or any other circumstance will be announced via the email associated with the account that initially registered your team. This team manager is responsible for communicating these changes to player and their families. Please reference our website as a link to the event schedule will also be posted there. 
Tournament and Site Director Contact
If you have any issues during the event, please communicate with the nearest tournament and/or site director. Our main phone number for calling or texting is (412)-667-2289. You can also email us at [email protected]

Parking is free and please be mindful of your time. Our park is very large and it will take time getting from where you park to your field. We do have 7 fields and 10 batting cages for your use.

Please be courteous with the use of the cages, as we will have up to 7 tournaments running at once. Please have your players get their swings and move along promptly so all our teams have the same great experience you will have.

We will be charging a $5.00 cash per person fee per day. Please make sure you tell your parents and coaches. No pets allowed at the park.  Our whole park and concession stand is cash only. Three coaches per day allowed in for free.

Please send payments made out to “All American Events”, 28 Stewart Station, Trafford, PA 15085. OR pay on our website. You must provide a Certificate of Insurance listing All American Baseball Center, LLC. as additionally insured in addition to your rosters via your online Team Portal. 

Please remember that these tournaments are ultimately for the kids.  All American Events reserves the right to ask people to leave based on their actions and/or verbal abuse of any All American Events colleague, fan, umpire, coach, and most importantly the players.  IF A FAN, COACH OR PLAYER ARE ASKED TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF THEIR BEHAVIOR, THE HEAD COACH WILL BE CONFINED TO THEIR BENCH FOR THE REMAINDER OF THAT GAME.  IF THERE IS A SECOND INCIDENT DURING THE TOURNAMENT THE HEAD COACH WILL ALSO BE ASKED TO LEAVE, NO SECOND CHANCES!!  This is a no tolerance policy.  

Any ejection of a coach results in that coach being eligible, although not required, for a one game suspension to full tournament ban at the discretion of the tournament director.

There will be no alcohol permitted.

Players must be born on or after May 1st of their respective age division’s birth year. 

Age exemptions of any kind (medical, grade, etc.) must be cleared through the tournament director prior to play. Any violations of this rule can result in forfeiture. 

Penalty for Violation: Player and Head Coach Ejection

Bats AllowedAll Bats -5 or greater must be stamped BPF 1.15 USSSA or USA Baseball. No restrictions on bat size or length as long as it has “BPF 1.15” stamped on it.Players can but are not required to use BBCOR bats.BBCOR only

Banned Bats

  • DeMarini 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) (29/21, 30/22, 31/23, 32/24)
  • DeMarini 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4″ (-10) (28/18, 29/19, 30/20, 31/21, 32/22)
  • DeMarini 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4″ (-10) (29/19, 30/20)
  • DeMarini Custom 2017 CF Zen 2 3/4″ (-10)
  • DeMarini Custom 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8)
  • Dirty South Kamo BB KA (-8) (30/22, 31/21, 32/22, 31/23, 32/24 only)
  • Easton Ghost X (30/20 only)
  • Marucci Cat5 MCB2 33/30 BBCOR
  • Nike BT0636 CX2
9U – 12U13U – 14U
9u/10u: 3 innings per game, 11u/12u: 4 innings per game13u: 5 inning limit per game, 14u: no limit

One pitch constitutes on inning pitched.

We do suggest using Pitch Smart for safe pitching standards for your players.

If your team is questioned on innings pitched by a player, please be prepared to provide evidence via your GameChanger.  Violation of this rule will result in the Head Coach being asked to leave for the rest of the tournament at the discretion of the tournament director.

9U – 12U 13U – 14U
One (1) team warning per game No warnings

Coach must notify the home plate umpire and the hitter will be granted 1st base.

AGE GROUP 8U Coach Pitch 9U-10U 11-12U 13U 14U
Bases Distance 65′ 65′ 70′ 80′ 90′
Pitching Mound Distance 40′ 46′ 50′ 54′ 60′ 6″

All games will have a time limit of 1 hour 45 minutes no new inning, except for the Gold Bracket Championship Games (this can be modified by tournament director due to weather or any unforeseen circumstance). 

ONLY Gold Bracket Championship games will not have a time limit. They will be played to completion or Mercy Rule. Silver and Consolation Brackets will still have a time limit of 1 hour 45 minutes.

Pool play games CAN end in a tie.

On championship day if the game is tied at either time limit or game completion, extra inning will go to California Rules to complete.  Each team will start the inning with their last batted out on 2nd base and the batter will have a 0-0 count.  Each inning will start this way until the tie is broken.

Official Games are complete after the completion of the 1st Inning.  If a game is called due to darkness, weather, etc., and it is in the middle of an inning, then the game will revert back to the score from the previous inning.  It is up to the tournament director if the games are to be restarted, or rescheduled.

  • 20 after 1
  • 15 after 2
  • 12 after 3
  • 10 after 4
  • 8 after 5
  • Head to Head (only if two teams are tied) (If there are 3 or more teams with the same record this WILL NOT APPLY)
  • Fewest Runs Allowed
  • Runs Scored
  • Coin Flip
  • There will be no re-seeding in playoff brackets

In the event of a close play the runner must avoid contact.  If the Umpire determines that the Player slid to intentionally make contact, then that player is out.  All contact rule plays are the umpire’s judgment and are not arguable.

Head first slides

8U/9U10U-12U13U & 14U
Not AllowedAllowedAllowed
8-12U 13U & 14U
Molded spikes only Molded or metal spikes, no metal spikes on portable mounds. Violation consequences include player ejection, team out, and coach removal from tournament.

A courtesy runner can be granted for the current pitcher and/or catcher at any time. That runner must be the last batted-out or a player not currently in the line-up. 

Category8U9U & 10U11U – 14U
Leads & StealsNo leads or steals9U: No leads but can steal once ball crosses plate, 10U: Leads allowed with steals after ball crosses plate. Leads and steals allowed
Innings6 innings6 Innings11u/12u 6 innings, 13u and up 7 innings
Run Limit/Inning5 run max per inning (except last inning)NoneNone
Outfielders4 outfielders allowed3 Outfielders3 Outfielders
Special RulesRunners can’t advance once the ball is in the pitching circleNo drop third strikes, Locked at third (unless play is made at or toward 3rd base)Injured player does not count as an out, Can bat nine or entire lineup (no changes allowed)
Batting OrderContinuous Batting OrderContinuous Batting OrderCan bat 9 or More, regular substitution rules apply
Coaches in DugoutOnly three coaches (including scorekeeper) allowedOnly three coaches (including scorekeeper) allowedOnly three coaches (including scorekeeper) allowed
Defensive SubstitutionsAllowed any timeAllowed any timeAllowed any time
Player EligibilityMust be there within 15 minutes of the game startMust be there within 15 minutes of the game startMust be there within 15 minutes of the game start

We will provide 3 baseballs to the umpire at the start of each game. In the event that more baseballs are needed, both teams will be required to provide them. 

In pool play or round robin, home team will be determined by a coin flip. In Championship rounds, higher seed will be considered the home team.

Home team scorebook will be considered the official score book.

All American Events reserves the right to alter, change, or abbreviate Tournament Formats when necessary, mainly due to weather conditions.

The official game score will be the scorecards that are turned in by our umpires to the tournament Director.  It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure the score is correct prior to leaving the field of play.  

If you would like to officially protest the game, please have the umpire contact the Tournament Director or on-site Manager prior to play resuming.  You must leave a $100.00 deposit in order to protest a contest. IF the ruling is overturned, you will get your deposit back.  IF it is a protest on a judgment call or you lose your protest, your deposit will be donated to a local charity of All American Event’s choice.

  • We will do everything within our power to get as many games in as we can, yet, Mother Nature sometimes does not look kindly on baseball tournaments
    • 0 games played: Entry fee minus a $50 administration fee
    • 1 game played: 50% Refund
    • 2 games or more played: No Refund
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